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3 Amazing Facts About Norway

by ctwic
3 Amazing Facts About Norway
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3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

* There is a road called E-69, which is called the last road on Earth.
* The place marked as the end of the world is also in Norway. Its name is Preikestolen.
* Norway is also called the land of midnight sunrise.

Let’s start by learning a few things about the peaceful heavenly kingdom of Norway, which may change our previous experience a bit.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Norway is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It will not be wrong to call it a fairy tale kingdom. Every area here is like that. Every year many tourists from all over the world come to this country. Norway is a dream country for many people. Norway is a sovereign country on the European continent. It is officially called the Kingdom of Norway. This Scandinavian country is known all over the world as the land of midnight sunrise. There are many signs of nature, which only tourists and local people can clearly describe.

This country is economically very prosperous. According to the World Bank report, Norway ranks 4th in terms of per capita income. The name of the largest city and capital of this country is Oslo. The government system of this country is a constitutional monarchy. The current king is Harold V, and the prime minister is Jonas Gah Starr.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Its constitution was established on May 17, 1814, and it gained independence from the Swedish Union in 1905. The total area of the country is 385252 sq km. In terms of area, it is the 61st country in the world and two and a half times larger than Bangladesh. According to a 2021 report, the country has an estimated population of 5,39,1369. 82.04 percent of the total population are Christians, 2.4 percent are Muslims and the rest are Hindus, Buddhists and other religions.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

This country has the highest number of news readers in the world. The world’s northernmost city, Hammerfest, is located in this country. The Norwegian Committee determines the Nobel Prize winners in Norway. After the glaciation of the Earth’s interior around 10,000 BC, the first inhabitants moved to the northern region of what is now Norway.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Norway has the longest tunnel, the Lærdal Tunnel, which is 24.5 km long. In general terms, Norway has 6 months of sunlight in the summer and 6 months of no sunlight in the winter. At this time, the night sky plays with various colors. It is more common in September and October. Also, Norway has some of the tastiest salmon in Europe. The staple food of Norwegians is pizza. People here eat about 24 million pizzas every year. Anyway, without further ado, let’s get to the point. The first surprising thing is…

It is the last road on earth built for mankind. Its name is E-69.

Norway is a country covered in natural beauty. There is a man-made road called the last road on earth. This road goes very close to the North Pole. It is officially named E-69. The scenery on both sides of the road seems to have reached the end of the world. No one is allowed to walk alone here. Usually due to its special geographical location, this road creates a sense of mystery mixed with thrill in the mind of tourists.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

If you continue along this road, you will feel for a time that the world does end here, and there seems to be no destination. This is the only road connecting Norway to the North Pole. The route starts from Olderfog in Norway and ends at Nordkapp, the northernmost point in Europe. E 69, the last road in the world, is 129 km. This long road has 5 tunnels. The combined length of the tunnels is 15.5 km. The longest of these is the Nordkapp tunnel, with a length of 6.9 km. .

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

This tunnel reaches a depth of 696 feet below sea level. Among the international highways, the E 69 highway is the northernmost road in the world. This highway belongs to the international E Road Network. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has organized this highway system. The E 69 highway was planned in the 1930s. However, the road connection with the Nordkapp was opened in 1956, and the route of the current E 69 highway was fixed in 1992. Before that, this road was known as Road 95 in Norway.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

In the past, ferries used to cross the reservoirs between these roads. Since 2012, ferries have been replaced by other tunnels, including the Nordkapp. Traveling alone to the end of the world is strictly prohibited. Prior permission is required for movement here. During winters, traffic on this road is permitted depending on the weather forecast. Even in that case, several convoys are allowed to go after gathering together. Strong winds and extreme cold are felt on this highway.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

You never know what happens on the road. Rain and snow are regular occurrences here. A lot of snow can be seen here, even during summer. As the road approaches the sea, its uncertainty increases. In winter, the northernmost part of the road is completely closed. The E 69 road looks the same for the most part, but there are small hills here and there. Some Norwegian villages will also be seen along the way.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

But these villages are so small that it is better to call them scattered settlements than villages. There are also some viewpoints at the bends of this path. In winter, its temperature drops to -43 degrees. And during summer, the temperature of this area is around zero degrees. At the end of the world’s last road lies the municipality of Nordkapp. Every winter, about two hundred thousand tourists travel along this road to Nordkapp city.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Because from here, you can enjoy the natural beauty like Nishit Surya and Meru Jati to your heart’s content. Like the end of the world road, another place in Norway is recognized as the end of the world. The name of this place is Prykestolen. You will feel like you are standing at the world’s end when you go here.

Experts have declared a place in Norway to be the end of the world based on geographical conditions. The name of which is Prikestolen.

Many of us have wanted to go to the ends of the Earth since childhood. But since our planet is round, there is no such thing as its end. But there is a mountain peak in Norway where you will feel like standing at the end of the world. The name of this place is Prykestolen. This unique place, Prikestolen in Norway, is located in the Fors region of the Ryfle Key district of Norway. In English, this place is called Pulpit Rock.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Prykestolen is situated along a long narrow sea inlet. It is believed that the place got this shape due to the influence of vast glaciers about 10 thousand years ago during the ice age. In the past, pagans worshiped here. In 1900, the first tourism system was launched in this place. The peak at 2000 feet is about 82 square feet wide. One must walk about 4 km on the hilly road to reach here. No environmental protection has been provided here to keep the natural beauty intact, resulting in visitors enjoying the awe-inspiring beauty.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

The white nature here in winter would not seem like any place on our planet. According to the famous travel guide company Lonely Planet, Prykestolen is the most breathtaking viewpoint in the world. Norway’s air is already one of the cleanest in the world. Among them, the air in the Pulpit Rock area is slightly purer. That is why the air here is bottled and sold. A bottle of 8 liters of air here costs about 1500 taka. Adventure tourists can enhance the thrilling atmosphere here through their activities. Various action sports like base jumping, wingsuits, rope walking, clip hanging, and free-hanging are very popular.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

This particular natural spot has become popular in recent times through several pop cultures. A scene from the 2014 Viking television series was filmed here. There, the story’s central character is seen sitting on the edge of Pulpit Rock. In 2017, Praikestolen was closed to tourists for a week due to the filming of Mission Impossible Six.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Hollywood actor Tom Cruise is seen performing great action scenes here, and since then, more than three hundred thousand people visit Price Stollen every year. The place has become one of Norway’s most famous tourist destinations due to its breathtaking natural beauty. Not only Prykestolen, but the entire region of Scandinavia, including Norway, is picture-perfect. Scandinavia is the happiest region in the world.

 Norway is a place in the world which is called the country where the sun rises in the middle of the night!

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

Norway was named the happiest country in the world, according to a 2017 United Nations report. It also has the reputation of being the land of Nishit Surya. In Norway, the sun can be seen at midnight, and the sun does not rise day after day. As Norway is located in the Sumeru, i.e., the North Pole or the Northern Hemisphere, the sky is always illuminated by the sunset from May to July. The sun never sets completely during this time.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

As a result, the twilight light is maintained throughout the night instead of the darkness of the night. In contrast, the sun does not rise from November to January. And then the northern lights or aurora borealis are often seen. Norway is in the Northern Hemisphere and has an amazing day, with almost 24 hours of daylight. During the summer, a region has 2-4 months of sunlight. Besides, the night sky is filled with twilight light instead of darkness, which is very charming. Every year on June 21st, the sun rises suddenly here at midnight.

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

3 Amazing Facts About Norway

The countrymen celebrate this event as white light or white night because at this time, even though the sun rises normally, it remains above the horizon line without setting, and soft light is seen in the night sky. Thousands of people flock here to witness this amazing solar system spectacle. That is why this country is known in the world as the land of the sun.

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